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October 2nd, 2021, my pregnant wife said while cooking dinner, "I haven't felt our baby boy kick today." I told her to go to the hospital after we ate and that I would put the boys to bed. I was nervous, but thought it was probably fine. I played a little extra with the boys, just to enjoy the good days, in case our world was going to flip upside down again. During playtime, I got a call from Megan and just before answering, I gave one last prayer for good news. She was heart sinks. She said that they are struggling to find a heart beat and that I should be there. We hung up and first thing I did was call her mom and say, "Megan is at the hospital and they can't find our boy's heart beat... (Click here to continue reading)
The meanings of names are important to us and when we named our son Hezekiah, we didn't really understand the meaning. Hezekiah's name means, "God's Strength." What we experienced did not feel like the strength of God. However, in just a few days we would figure out why his name was perfect! A few days after losing Hezekiah, I met with Pastor Steve West from Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, and I understood. At some point in the meeting it hit me, "This is Hezekiah, the strength of God to bear a heavy pain and do what is right." Not only was the statement powerful, but to be seeing someone else living that out, it changed me from pain to purpose. To see how my son can make me stronger, and not just me, but others as well. Hezekiah's Ministry is all about making people stronger to rise up and do God's call. All of our calls are different in some ways, but similar in many. If you are married, you are called to be a supportive spouse. If you are a parent, you are called to love your kids. We are called to be good to those around us, which means forgiving the people who do not understand. Grief unguided will allow you to destroy your life. Hezekiah, my sweet son, we lost for the gain of many others. To see families be even stronger than they were before their loss by giving them the same care we received!
Browse Through Our Growing Content
For Dads
Nathan is currently working on content specific for dads. Join our Newsletter or follow our Instagram so you know when it is released!
For Moms
Megan is currently working on content specific for moms! Join our Newsletter or follow our Instagram so you know when it is released!
These are some songs we listened to during our still birth and some during Hezekiah's service. All songs were found through our lifelong grieving process.
For Siblings
We are currently working on content for the book and creating animations to help address the reality and answer the questions that siblings of a lost brother or sister would have.